How a Clean Home Reduces Stress and Makes You More Happy
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Clean is Happy

Clean is Happy

A Clean Home Can Lead Reduce Stress and Make You More Happy

​A study carried out at the University of California measured stress hormone levels in 30 couples. Women who described their home environment as chaotic or messy had higher levels of cortisol, when measure at various points throughout the day. Interestingly, men seemed to be less affected by a messy, cluttered home.​



 Reduces Stress and Depression

After a long, hard day at work, the last thing you want to come home to is a messy, dirty, cluttered house. According to a study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who described their homes as “cluttered” or full of “unfinished projects” were more depressed, fatigued, and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than women who felt their homes were “restful” and “restorative,”

Stress and Anxiety
If you’re guilty of having an untidy home filled with mess and clutter, you’re not alone. But did you know that clutter and materialism can lead to stress and anxiety? A recent study by Havas Worldwide revealed that 50% of us could live happily without most of the things we own. We love to accumulate things, and the more stuff we have, the more anxious, depressed and joyless we feel. There’s a lot to be said for living with less, and having too much clutter could seriously impact your psychological health – also making it harder for you to clean your home which could leave you feeling stressed out.

Quit your clutter habit
Buying less stuff is the obvious way to cut back on clutter and enjoy a cleaner, tidier home, but what else can you do to ensure you don’t disappear under an ever-growing pile of stuff? Well, you could start by spending money on experiences rather than things – living with less and experiencing more is definitely more fulfilling, so instead of buying a new pair of shoes, enjoy a workout at the gym or see a film at the cinema with friends.  We are the professionals that can get this done for you.


Time for what matters
Time spent cleaning is time not spent doing the things that matter, things like making memories with your children, visiting aging parents, building a more profitable business, getting ahead a work, completing home improvement projects and so much more!  Time is really the only thing we can never get more of.  All we can do is manage what we have.  Do it wisely.  The small investment you make in cleaning services are actually priceless as a gift of time for yourself and the ones you love.


Is cleaning really beneficial for mental health?
Cleaning your home not only improves its cleanliness, it can also boost your mental health – it’s true.  A study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that carrying out 20 or more minutes of physical activity a week could impact depression.

There are so many fun and inspiring things to be doing for your health, so why waste your time and energy on simple cleaning chores.  Leave them to us.  Instead, go for a bike-ride, take a swim, play a game of tag with the kids, have some “date time” with your spouse, or just take a walk to the nearest boutique.  A Scottish Health Survey where 3,000 people reported anxiety and stress revealed that carrying out regular, vigorous and fun activities could cut these feelings by up to 20%. Get out and do something and let us take care of the cleaning.


Healthier eating
Research has also revealed that a cleaner home could lead to healthier food choices. A study published in Psychological Science journal revealed that those who worked in a neat, tidy space for 10 minutes were twice as likely to choose an apple over a chocolate bar than those working in a messy, chaotic office.  This could be because your brain craves comfort food to cope with stress caused by untidy surroundings. And we all know that eating a healthier diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can boost your mental health!


Physical and mental benefits
According to a study by Indiana University’s Physical Activity Department, cleaning is important for good physical and mental health.  The study looked at the physical health of 998 people aged between 49 and 65, comparing their levels of physical activity and the cleanliness of their homes. The results showed that those with the cleanest homes were also the healthiest and most active. Nicole Keith, the study’s leader, commented, “At the end of the day, the interior of their house seemed to be the only thing affecting their physical activity.”


Don’t be obsessive
Whilst cleaning is a great way to enjoy a tidy, un-cluttered house and feel happier, like anything we don’t suggest taking it to extremes!  Being obsessive about your home being clean is bad for your stress levels and could lead to the development of obsessive-compulsive tendencies.  With a professional cleaning service you keep on top of your home’s cleanliness while at the same time keeping it at a healthy distance.  A weekly or bi-weekly cleaning should be enough for most of us – enough to make your home healthy and livable without the need to obsess!

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Clean is Happy

clean is happy

​A study carried out at the University of California measured stress hormone levels in 30 couples. Women who described their home environment as chaotic or messy had higher levels of cortisol, when measure at various points throughout the day. Interestingly, men seemed to be less affected by a messy, cluttered home.​

There is something about a clean home

Reduces Stress and Depression
After a long, hard day at work, the last thing you want to come home to is a messy, dirty, cluttered house. According to a study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who described their homes as “cluttered” or full of “unfinished projects” were more depressed, fatigued, and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than women who felt their homes were “restful” and “restorative,”


Stress and Anxiety
If you’re guilty of having an untidy home filled with mess and clutter, you’re not alone. But did you know that clutter and materialism can lead to stress and anxiety? A recent study by Havas Worldwide revealed that 50% of us could live happily without most of the things we own. We love to accumulate things, and the more stuff we have, the more anxious, depressed and joyless we feel. There’s a lot to be said for living with less, and having too much clutter could seriously impact your psychological health – also making it harder for you to clean your home which could leave you feeling stressed out.


Quit your clutter habit
Buying less stuff is the obvious way to cut back on clutter and enjoy a cleaner, tidier home, but what else can you do to ensure you don’t disappear under an ever-growing pile of stuff? Well, you could start by spending money on experiences rather than things – living with less and experiencing more is definitely more fulfilling, so instead of buying a new pair of shoes, enjoy a workout at the gym or see a film at the cinema with friends.  We are the professionals that can get this done for you.


Time for what matters
Time spent cleaning is time not spent doing the things that matter, things like making memories with your children, visiting aging parents, building a more profitable business, getting ahead a work, completing home improvement projects and so much more!  Time is really the only thing we can never get more of.  All we can do is manage what we have.  Do it wisely.  The small investment you make in cleaning services are actually priceless as a gift of time for yourself and the ones you love.


Is cleaning really beneficial for mental health?
Cleaning your home not only improves its cleanliness, it can also boost your mental health – it’s true.  A study by the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that carrying out 20 or more minutes of physical activity a week could impact depression.

There are so many fun and inspiring things to be doing for your health, so why waste your time and energy on simple cleaning chores.  Leave them to us.  Instead, go for a bike-ride, take a swim, play a game of tag with the kids, have some “date time” with your spouse, or just take a walk to the nearest boutique.  A Scottish Health Survey where 3,000 people reported anxiety and stress revealed that carrying out regular, vigorous and fun activities could cut these feelings by up to 20%. Get out and do something and let us take care of the cleaning.


Healthier eating
Research has also revealed that a cleaner home could lead to healthier food choices. A study published in Psychological Science journal revealed that those who worked in a neat, tidy space for 10 minutes were twice as likely to choose an apple over a chocolate bar than those working in a messy, chaotic office.  This could be because your brain craves comfort food to cope with stress caused by untidy surroundings. And we all know that eating a healthier diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables can boost your mental health!


Physical and mental benefits
According to a study by Indiana University’s Physical Activity Department, cleaning is important for good physical and mental health.  The study looked at the physical health of 998 people aged between 49 and 65, comparing their levels of physical activity and the cleanliness of their homes. The results showed that those with the cleanest homes were also the healthiest and most active. Nicole Keith, the study’s leader, commented, “At the end of the day, the interior of their house seemed to be the only thing affecting their physical activity.”


Don’t be obsessive
Whilst cleaning is a great way to enjoy a tidy, un-cluttered house and feel happier, like anything we don’t suggest taking it to extremes!  Being obsessive about your home being clean is bad for your stress levels and could lead to the development of obsessive-compulsive tendencies.  With a professional cleaning service you keep on top of your home’s cleanliness while at the same time keeping it at a healthy distance.  A weekly or bi-weekly cleaning should be enough for most of us – enough to make your home healthy and livable without the need to obsess!

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